
Part 2: Believe Survivors, Listen to them, Don’t Pressure Them  

Things Survivors Wish You Knew Series 

By Patrice Tillery

During challenging times, we rely on hope to bring light when we perceive darkness surrounding us. BWJP invites you to join us in generating the hope that lights the way to safety and healing for gender-based violence survivors.    

Throughout this series, we will share survivor stories in their own words. We center the voices of survivors in all of our work to ensure that as we endeavor to remedy systems, we remember that people are our purpose. The survivor story below shares some elements of hope and its impact.   

“I've been through the hell of domestic violence and emotional abuse. Physical injuries may heal, but the scars left by the psychological torment run deep. It's essential to know the difference between a rocky relationship and outright abuse. In the latter, you lose your voice and feel like a shadow.   

“It's frustrating that our society often stays silent when they should help. It's like being trapped in a nightmare when you can't fight back. But I had moments of hope, like tiny lights in the dark. They reminded me of who I was before.   

“When I found people who genuinely cared and reached out to support me, my journey toward healing began. It wasn't a straightforward path, but I eventually broke free from the toxic cycle.   

“Now, I'm a living testament to the power of hope. I'm here to tell you that hope can mend even the deepest emotional wounds. It's about emerging from the shadows stronger than before and finding the strength within you. If you're looking for a way to make a positive impact, consider supporting organizations that help survivors of abuse. They exist to help survivors find their path to recovery and healing, proving that there's light at the end of the tunnel. ”*   

*This story has been edited for clarity.  

TAGS: #Gender Based Violence #News

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