Children and Custody
Research confirms that child custody cases often move through court systems without regard for peoples’ real-life experiences of domestic violence, often resulting in parenting arrangements that can expose victimized parents and their children to further abuse.
Children and the non-abusive parent are impacted in many ways when a parent or guardian uses violence in the home. In child custody and parenting time determinations, most state courts must account for domestic violence; however, connecting domestic violence to parenting is often challenging for practitioners. Making the connection between intimate partner violence and parenting in child custody cases is critical for the safety and wellbeing of both the children and the non-abusive parent.
Most of these resources are provided by our National Legal Center on Children and Domestic Violence, which provides technical assistance and training on the intersections of family law, child support, and child welfare when there is domestic violence.
Search and explore all Child Custody related resources in the side menu, or dive into a recent addition below:

Children and Custody resources
State Specific Best Interests of the Child SAFeR Worksheets for GALs
The SAFeR worksheets that outline the best interest of the child factors are now available with state and territory-specific factors.…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesThe Intersection of Domestic Violence and Child Custody Fact Sheet
Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence remain alarmingly high, putting countless survivors at risk every day. Navigating child custody cases…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesBWJP FY2023 Impact Report
Dear Friends, Welcome to BWJP’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 annual report! In the last year, we have expanded our team…
TAGS: #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarThe Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: June 2024
There are many options and interventions Guardians ad Litem (GALs) can recommend to minimize risk to children (as well as…
TAGS: #GAL, #Tools and GuidesInterstate Child Custody Tool Series
The Interstate Child Custody Tool Series provides an overview of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesThe Guardian ad Litem Bulletin- December 2023
Stay up to date with GAL best practices with our Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: December 2023. What’s coercive control and…
TAGS: #GAL, #Tools and GuidesBWJP 2022 Impact Report
Dearest Friends of BWJP, We’ve been busy! In the last eighteen months, we have experienced a significant transformation and many…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarHow Organizations Can Support Staff Who Are Survivors of GBV
Supporting survivors of intimate partner violence in the workplace is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being. Providing them with…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarNLCCDV and How Survivor Mothers Have to Navigate Family Court
by the National Legal Center on Children and Domestic Violence Survivors of intimate partner violence who are also mothers face…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #safer, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarDrawbacks of Codifying Coercive Control in Child Custody Cases
Webinar Recording - November 2022 Lisa A. Tucker presenting This webinar, presented by Professor Lisa A. Tucker, will consider the…
TAGS: #WebinarReport of the Henry County, Ohio Child Custody and Domestic Violence Safety and Accountability Audit
The Henry County, Ohio Child Custody and Domestic Violence Safety and Accountability Audit (“Ohio Audit”) examines how the local family…
TAGS: #Community Safety Report, #Tools and GuidesVAWA Title XV – Follow the Money
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was reauthorized on March 15, 2022. Within VAWA is Title XV, titled“Keeping Children Safe…
TAGS: #Policy Analysis, #Tools and Guides10 Cosas Que Debe Saber Sobre el Tribunal Familiar
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides10 Maneras de Encontrar Ayuda para su caso
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesComo Reunir Evidencia Tecnologica de Maltrato para la corte
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesGetting Child Support When You Are Afraid of the Other Parent
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides10 Things to Know About Parenting Plans in Cases Involving DV
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides