
BWJP Announces the Departure of Millicent Shaw Phipps

March 23rd, 2022 BWJP announces that Millicent Shaw Phipps is stepping down as the Director of the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit after a sixteen-year tenure at BWJP and an eighteen-year tenure as NCPOFFC Director. Under her leadership, NCPOFFC grew exponentially, and provided national leadership on one of the essential legal components of comprehensive domestic violence response. Ms. Shaw Phipps has implemented this project with integrity, and as a tireless leader both within BWJP and with external partners and constituents. “We will miss Millicent’s clear direction and leadership at BWJP,” said CEO Amy J. Sánchez. “As the longtime Director of NCPOFFC, her deep knowledge about the Violence Against Women Act and Protection Order law was vital in supporting thousands of attorneys, advocates, organizations, and other justice professionals to improve their skills and responsiveness to gender-based violence. All of us at BWJP are deeply thankful for her leadership and are going to miss her daily advocacy and commitment.  We wish her well in her next endeavor and look forward to our continued collaboration.” BWJP is the national policy and practice leader at the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and the law. Our work spans the criminal, civil, and family court and we have served hundreds of thousands of professionals since our founding. Over the last three decades, we have learned that it is not enough to help change the lives of individual people. We create the most significant impact for survivors when we change the trajectory of collective systems. If you have any questions about NCPOFFC, please contact incoming Director of NCPOFFC Monica Player at

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