
BWJP Announces Staff Promotions

March 25th, 2022 BWJP is excited to announce two internal leadership promotions. Monica Player, JD, will serve as the next Director of the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (“NCPOFFC”), and Christina Jones JD, will serve as the new Chief Executive of External Relations. “I am thrilled that both Monica and Christina are entering new roles at BWJP,” said CEO Amy J. Sánchez. “They both are deeply skilled, thought leaders in the field of gender-based violence.  These elements are essential in BWJP leadership and will help propel our organizational reputation and reach across the country. Ms. Player has over two decades working with allied professionals in the field. Prior to her promotion, she served as an Attorney-Advisor for NCPOFFC. Her experience as a family law practitioner and her deep knowledge about issues surrounding gender-based violence, including protection orders, will help propel NCPOFFC into the next phase of innovation and leadership in the gender-based violence field. She has a law degree from Howard University School of Law. BWJP’s National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC) provides technical assistance and training on protection orders, the Full Faith and Credit (FFC) provision of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and inter-jurisdictional enforcement of protection orders. Christina Jones has served as Deputy Director of Policy Initiatives for BWJP for the past year. Previously, she served as Special Counsel for Youth Initiatives in the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia and served as a prosecutor for almost a decade. She has a law degree from Howard University School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in Communication Rhetoric from the University of Maryland. She will serve alongside Chief Executive Officer, Amy J. Sánchez as the external face of the organization. The Chief Executive for External Relations manages the organizations external functions including communications, fund development, new partnerships and organizational leadership and development.

BWJP is the national policy and practice leader at the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and the law.  Our work spans the criminal, civil, and family court and we have served hundreds of thousands of professionals since our founding.  Over the last three decades, we have learned that it is not enough to help change the lives of individual people. We create the most significant impact for survivors when we change the trajectory of collective systems.

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements

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