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Home / News / Articles / BWJP Seeks Project Director, National Center on Domestic Violence & Firearms
BWJP Seeks Project Director, National Center on Domestic Violence & Firearms
The Battered Women's Justice Project (BWJP) is a national resource center on the civil and criminal justice system response to intimate partner violence (IPV).
Position & Location
Project Director, full-time, supervised by the Legal Policy Director. Location: Minneapolis preferred.
Develop and manage a national effort to improve the implementation and enforcement of DV-related firearms by communities, the states and the federal government.
Lead the Project’s Steering Committee that will guide the project’s development.
Maintain accurate records and prepare periodic reports to funders.
Collaboration and Communication
Collaborate with a diverse group of partners to achieve the project’s objectives, including the development of an emergency response to communities experiencing DV-related homicides involving firearms.
Develop content and maintain a robust website.
Write articles for national publications, upon request.
Monitor emerging social science research, and legal and public policy developments nationwide related to this topic.
Participate in the national dialogue about the intersection of firearms and IPV.
Training & Technical Assistance
Organize and moderate webinars or other training events.
Present at local/state/tribal or national conferences.
Develop and maintain a network of subject matter experts to serve as resources on this topic.
Consult with other allied organizations or government agencies on related local or national projects, upon request.
Qualifications Required
Substantial experience in justice system reform work related to addressing violence against women preferred. Specific policy work related to firearms and domestic violence desired.
Related education in public policy, macro-level social work, criminal justice studies, or law.
Outstanding ability to apply critical thinking and an intersectional analysis to identify and promote effective policies and practices.
Demonstrated understanding of and commitment to issues of cultural diversity as they pertain to prevention, intervention, and services, as well as to addressing the needs of underserved communities.
Demonstrated experience in program development and implementation.
Experience in developing and conducting training events; experience with training justice personnel and advocates desirable.
Demonstrated, exceptional oral communication and writing skills.
Ability to work well with diverse groups and to work effectively as part of a team.
Willingness and ability to travel nationwide on a regular basis.
DOQ in competitive non-profit services range, plus individual/family health, dental, life, and ST/LT disability insurance, vacation, sick leave, and holiday hours.
Send resume by October 21, 2016, to or the Battered Women’s Justice Project, 1801 Nicollet Ave. So., Suite 102, Minneapolis, MN 55403. TAGS:
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