
BWJP Welcomes Meghan Wilhelm, as the new Temporary Digital Media Coordinator

Meghan worked for the Pee Dee Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence as their Volunteer Coordinator for the domestic violence shelter after graduating college in 2021. She used her Bachelor's degree in communications to strengthen and form new connections with businesses to create services for shelter residents. Shelter life is unpredictable which prepared her to be able to pick up any task and run with it. 

Meet Meghan

Q: What brought you into the field of gender-based violence?  

Meghan: I have previously worked with an Emergency Safe Domestic Violence Shelter where I loved finding services for the women and children who stayed with us. Connecting with them and making them feel at home grew my passion for this work. Along with hearing my mother's stories from her time working on a domestic violence hotline, I grew up with respect for those who work in this field.

Q: What drew you to want to work at BWJP?  

Meghan: When I worked with the Pee Dee Coalition, I accompanied many women to court as a support system. When I found this position where the organization tries and help train people and advocates to make systemic change, I thought it would be amazing work.

Q: What are you most looking forward to working at BWJP?  

Meghan: I am looking forward to putting my two passions together, helping survivors along with digital media. After meeting a few other employees, I cannot wait to be a part of such a strong and friendly team.

Q: How do you like to spend your time outside of work?  

Meghan: I love spending time with my husband and my dog! Whether it is a movie marathon at home or going on little adventures as a family. We cannot wait for our move from South Carolina to Tennessee.

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #News

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