What High Schools and Colleges Need to Know About Dating Violence and Firearms
In the United States, one in eight high school students reports having been subjected to dating violence (physical, sexual, or…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,U.S. v. Rahimi: Understanding the Implications for Protection Orders and Firearms Prohibitions
In June 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the federal law that prohibits domestic abusers subject to protection orders from…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Firearm Checklist for Attorneys
This checklist provides information for attorneys facilitating a discussion with survivors about firearms. It also provides key information on the…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,2023 Updated Matrices
Sealing or Expunging a Civil Protection Order This matrix compiles the statutory provisions from states and other U.S. jurisdictions for…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Firearm Checklist for Judges – 18 USC 922 (g)(8)
This checklist for judges provides key information on the federal Gun Control Act provisions prohibiting the purchase, transport or possession…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Interstate Child Custody Tool Series
The Interstate Child Custody Tool Series provides an overview of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Toolkit
This Extreme Risk Protection Order Toolkit is for practitioners who work with survivors in civil protection order systems. The toolkit…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Policy Analysis , #Promising Practices , #Research and Statistics , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #survivors , #Tools and Guides ,Domestic Violence Arrest Policies
This written resource is an annotated comprehensive collection of U.S. jurisdictions’ domestic violence-related arrest statutes with jurisdiction-specific generalized domestic violence…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Safety Envelope: NCPOFFC
The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC), a project of the Battered Women’s Justice Project…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,NCPOFFC Full Faith and Credit Matrix
Updated July 2022 This document is for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this document is intended as legal advice…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,States Allowing Juveniles Access to Protection Orders
Revised Matrices 2022
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Coercive Control Codification Brief: A Guide for Advocates and Coalitions
There is an important conversation happening throughout the country. Advocates and survivors are actively debating whether and to what degree…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Coercive Control Codification Matrix
Updated through the 2023 state legislative sessions, this document is a compilation of state statutes that incorporate "coercive control" language…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Policy Analysis , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Definition of Domestic Violence/Abuse for Civil Protection Orders
This matrix contains state statutes with the definition of domestic violence/abuse for obtaining a domestic violence civil protection order.
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Firearms and Domestic Violence: State and Territorial Statutory Provisions
This matrix contains state and territorial firearm statutes as they relate to civil protection orders; criminal offenses, procedures, prohibited transferees;…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Protection Order Violation Matrix 2020
This matrix contains protection order violation statutes from state and territorial jurisdictions.
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8)
Case Law Summaries
This matrix is a compilation of case law involving the federal firearm prohibitor 18 USC 922(g)(8) and protection orders. To…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,Predominant Aggressor Arrest Statutes
This matrix is a compilation of all state statutory provisions that direct law enforcement officers to determine the predominant/primary/principal aggressor…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices ,