The National Center on Reimagining Coordinated Community Response establishes approaches and support for centering survivor realities, for advocates and allied professionals to positively shift systems’ interactions with survivors, and their partners and communities.

About Us

Coordinated Community Response (CCR) is the most widely replicated approach to addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) over the past forty years. Although CCR has strengthened certain aspects of the criminal legal system’s (CLS) response to IPV, survivors continue to encounter a myriad of challenges in navigating the criminal, civil/family legal, child welfare, immigration, health, and education systems, with survivors on the margins of society experiencing disparate outcomes and harmful collateral consequences of systemic intervention.

As a national leader in responding to challenges posed by legal systems, BWJP’s findings from extensive work with CCRs around the country, listening to survivors and advocates, and assessing the CLS’s response to IPV reveal that years of systems reform work have not had the desired impact.

The National Center on Reimagining CCR (NCRCCR) was established in 2022 to address these issues and support CCRs around the country in providing genuine safety and wellbeing for survivors, meaningful opportunities for change for their partners causing harm, and equity for their communities. NCRCCR’s core principles for reimagining CCR include:

  • Centering survivors’ lived experiences and their expertise on safety and accountability.  
  • Promoting community-based alternative approaches for individuals causing harm. 
  • Prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities.
  • Expanding “Community” to reflect ALL communities that survivors belong to and “Coordination” of ALL systems that survivors engage.  
  • Utilizing Institutional Analysis with CCRs to identify and implement culturally responsive interventions. 
Who We Serve

Our work supports all individuals, agencies and practitioners involved in Coordinated Community Response, including CCR coordinators, advocates, system reformers, community leaders and activists, treatment providers, civil and defense attorneys, other allied professionals and law enforcement, prosecution, court, and probation practitioners.


There is no one size fits all recommendation, so our team specializes in providing technical assistance, consultations, and training that’s tailored to your unique situation.

  • Technical Assistance
    Our National Center exists to provide general support with information, referrals, resources, site visits, case reviews, and whatever else is needed.
  • Consultations
    We’re ready to problem solve with you on any topic, especially on those that involve multidisciplinary or multi-agency initiatives.
  • Customized Training
    Our training sessions, customized to meet the needs of your organization, are highly interactive and grounded in adult learning principles. Trainings can be conducted on-site, remotely, or through our learning management system, The Learning Community.
  • Policy
    We engage in policy development, review and implementation for individual systems, coordination across systems, and promoting culturally responsive systemic interventions.