The National Center on Systems Change and Advocacy is a practice-based center that allows advocates and systems professionals to create new solutions both within and outside the legal systems that have the capacity to give back agency to individuals and communities.
About Us
The National Center on Systems Change and Advocacy’s (NCSCA) main goal is to provide all survivors an equitable pathway to safety and justice. As the NCSCA begins fulfilling this critical role within BWJP and in the criminal and legal fields, the focus will be to counter the unintended consequences of the law, as well as to address the limitations of the criminal and civil justice systems with these action steps:
- Inform the drafting of complex laws with survivor-centered objectives
- Create a platform to engage and maintain a grassroots community partnership
- Establish strategic connections at all levels to increase survivor relevancy for new focus areas at BWJP.
Who We Serve
We’re here to help advocates, civil attorneys, court administrators, court personnel, judges, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and other allied professionals who deal with domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking.
There is no one size fits all recommendation, so our team specializes in providing technical assistance, consultations, and training that we’ve tailored to your unique situation.
- Technical Assistance
Our National Center exists to provide general support with information, referrals, resources, site visits, case reviews, and whatever else is needed. - Consultations
We’re ready to problem solve with you on any topic, especially on those that involve multidisciplinary or multi-agency initiatives. - Customized Training
Our training sessions, customized to meet the needs of your organization, are highly interactive and grounded in adult learning principles. Trainings can be conducted on-site, remotely, or through our learning management system, The Learning Community. - Policy
Our team develops articles and policy briefs on emerging issues affecting survivors and their families. We also actively participate in the Alliance for Immigrant Survivors (AIS) Working Group, a cohort of state and national organizations working to achieve safer outcomes for immigrant survivors navigating the civil, criminal and immigration legal systems.