Children and Custody
Research confirms that child custody cases often move through court systems without regard for peoples’ real-life experiences of domestic violence, often resulting in parenting arrangements that can expose victimized parents and their children to further abuse.
Children and the non-abusive parent are impacted in many ways when a parent or guardian uses violence in the home. In child custody and parenting time determinations, most state courts must account for domestic violence; however, connecting domestic violence to parenting is often challenging for practitioners. Making the connection between intimate partner violence and parenting in child custody cases is critical for the safety and wellbeing of both the children and the non-abusive parent.
Most of these resources are provided by our National Legal Center on Children and Domestic Violence, which provides technical assistance and training on the intersections of family law, child support, and child welfare when there is domestic violence.
Search and explore all Child Custody related resources in the side menu, or dive into a recent addition below:
Children and Custody resources: Filtered by GAL
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