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Covid-19 resources
Assisting Survivors With Their Pets During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
Published by: Zoë Agnew-Svoboda, Nancy Blaney, Melinda D. Merck, Mary Lou Randour The lives and safety of survivors and their…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides, #WebinarUtilization of Video Conference Software for Men’s BIPs: Experience, Research to date and Covid-19 Considerations
Published by: Melissa Scaia, Jon Heath In January of 2019, Melissa Scaia and Jon Heath coordinated with researchers to find…
TAGS: #WebinarUsing Web-Based Technologies to Promote Safe Access to Protection Orders During Pandemics and Natural Disasters
Published by: LaJuan Epperson, Barbara Holmes, Jannet Okazaki, Kay Radwanski, Ruth Reichard During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts have been modifying…
TAGS: #WebinarVictim Defendants and Covid-19
Published by: Cindene Pezzell, Esq. The COVID-19 pandemic has created increased risks and complications for survivors of intimate partner violence,…
TAGS: #WebinarTools for Advocates Responding to Covid-19 and Domestic Violence
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased danger for survivors of domestic violence in the past few months. Governmental “stay at…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesCoercive Control During Covid-19
As COVID-19 spreads across the globe and into our homes, domestic abusers are finding new ways to exercise coercive control.…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides, #Webinar