Criminal Justice Responses
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Criminal Justice Responses resources
BWJP FY2023 Impact Report
Dear Friends, Welcome to BWJP’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 annual report! In the last year, we have expanded our team…
TAGS: #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarWheel of Intimate Partner Power and Control in the African American/Black Community
A significant gathering of individuals, stories and information led to the development of the Wheel of Intimate Partner Power and…
TAGS: #survivors, #Tools and GuidesDomestic Violence Arrest Policies
This written resource is an annotated comprehensive collection of U.S. jurisdictions’ domestic violence-related arrest statutes with jurisdiction-specific generalized domestic violence…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and MatricesMyths and Misconceptions: Criminalized Survivors
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors October 2023 Myths and misconceptions about domestic violence and victims of intimate…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesBWJP 2022 Impact Report
Dearest Friends of BWJP, We’ve been busy! In the last eighteen months, we have experienced a significant transformation and many…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarEvidence of Battering and the Defense of Duress
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors March 2023 Lay and expert evidence on battering and its effectsi is…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesSafety Envelope: NCPOFFC
The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC), a project of the Battered Women’s Justice Project…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesFundamental Principles of Institutional Analysis
Institutional Analysis at BWJP redesigns systems to center the interests of gender-based violence survivors.
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesKnoxville Community Safety Assessment
How are DV Offenders Held Accountable in Knoxville and Knox County Justice System Interventions?
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesCoercive Control Codification Matrix
Updated through the 2023 state legislative sessions, this document is a compilation of state statutes that incorporate "coercive control" language…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Policy Analysis, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesOffender Criteria / Response / Victim Series
The High Point Police Department has been applying the evidence-based focused deterrence approach to the problem of intimate partner violence…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #Tools and GuidesThe Results of a 10-Year Study of the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence Primary Aggressor Laws on Single and Dual Arrest
Published by: David Hirschel, PhD and Philip D. McCormack, PhD Arrest as a preferred response to incidents of intimate partner…
TAGS: #Research and Statistics, #WebinarWhite House Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality
BWJP embraces the White House National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, as well as the anticipated U.S. National Action…
TAGS: #News and Updates, #Policy Analysis, #Promising PracticesShould They Stay or Should They Go: Helping Domestic Violence Survivors with Interstate Cases
Published by: Taylor Duran, Deborah Goelman, Maria Veniard Have domestic violence survivors ever asked you if they can leave the…
TAGS: #WebinarFirearms and Domestic Violence: State and Territorial Statutory Provisions
This matrix contains state and territorial firearm statutes as they relate to civil protection orders; criminal offenses, procedures, prohibited transferees;…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesPredominant Aggressor Arrest Statutes
This matrix is a compilation of all state statutory provisions that direct law enforcement officers to determine the predominant/primary/principal aggressor…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesShould They Stay or Should They Go: Helping Domestic Violence Survivors with Interstate Cases
Published by: Taylor Duran, Deborah Goelman, Maria Veniard This webinar provides participants with an overview of the various federal and…
TAGS: #WebinarClient-Centered and Trauma-Informed Practice: Implementing Successfully in the Criminal Justice System
Published by: Maureen Curtis, Wanda Lucibello The public health crisis has required advocates to adapt to many changes. This webinar…
TAGS: #WebinarThe Dakota County Electronic Crimes Task Force
Published by: Tim Leslie & Daniel Bianconi Domestic violence abusers are increasingly using technology to stalk and harass their victims. …
TAGS: #WebinarFaith Matters, Part 2: A Conversation on Supporting Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Families Experiencing DV
Published by: Deborah Rosenbloom, Sharon O'Brien, Salma Elkadi Abugidieri This workshop helps advocates adopt a faith-sensitive lens and best practices…
TAGS: #Webinar