Important Differences between Civilian and Military Protection Orders
The differences between military and civil protection orders, including their issuance and enforcement, can be confusing. This bulletin provides information…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Promising Practices , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,Enforcement of Tribal Protection Orders by State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
This bulletin is designed to ensure that state and local law enforcement officials across the country have the necessary information…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Tools and Guides ,5 Common Questions on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit – Answered
Protection orders and their enforcement can often be confusing, particularly when different professional disciplines encounter various forms and documents from…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Tools and Guides ,What High Schools and Colleges Need to Know About Dating Violence and Firearms
In the United States, one in eight high school students reports having been subjected to dating violence (physical, sexual, or…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,U.S. v. Rahimi: Understanding the Implications for Protection Orders and Firearms Prohibitions
In June 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the federal law that prohibits domestic abusers subject to protection orders from…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Statute Guides and Matrices , #Tools and Guides ,State Specific Best Interests of the Child SAFeR Worksheets for GALs
The SAFeR worksheets that outline the best interest of the child factors are now available with state and territory-specific factors.…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Tools and Guides ,Propositions: Survivors and Substance Use
The following excerpts from social science literature may help attorneys and other practitioners better understand the intersection of intimate partner…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,Thirty Years of VAWA and Full Faith and Credit
Please join the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC) in celebrating 30 years since the…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Tools and Guides ,2024 Domestic Violence and Firearms Report
Between March and April 2024, the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline), in partnership with the Battered Women’s Justice Project…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,Firearms Relinquishment in Cases Involving Intimate Partner Violence: How to Structure Effective Protocols For Your Community
The intersection of intimate partner violence and firearms violence is all too often lethal. Research shows that requiring a person…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,Promising Practices: Federal-State-Local Coordinated Justice System Responses To Domestic Violence And Firearms
Effective enforcement of the federal domestic violence firearms prohibitions hinge on the actions and records of local systems. Implementation of…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors Fact Sheet
Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence remain alarmingly high, putting countless survivors at risk every day. This fact sheet provides…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,Systems Change and Advocacy Fact Sheet
Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence remain alarmingly high, putting countless survivors at risk every day. Discover how we drive…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Child Custody Fact Sheet
Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence remain alarmingly high, putting countless survivors at risk every day. Navigating child custody cases…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,The Realities of Protection Orders and Full Faith and Credit Fact Sheet
Prevalence rates of intimate partner violence remain alarmingly high, putting countless survivors at risk every day. Research highlights the protective…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations , #Tools and Guides ,Gun Violence Fact Sheet
The National Center on Gun Violence in Relationships works to prevent domestic violence-related homicides involving firearms. We work with communities…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides ,BWJP FY2023 Impact Report
Dear Friends, Welcome to BWJP’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 annual report! In the last year, we have expanded our team…
TAGS: #survivors , #Tools and Guides , #Webinar ,The Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: June 2024
There are many options and interventions Guardians ad Litem (GALs) can recommend to minimize risk to children (as well as…
TAGS: #GAL , #Tools and Guides ,Basic Propositions: Memory
This memo contains excerpts from social science literature about the impacts of trauma on survivors’ ability to recall the details…
TAGS: #survivors , #Tools and Guides ,Guilty Pleas
If you are a defendant deciding whether to take a plea bargain, you may have lots of questions. You may…
TAGS: #survivors , #Tools and Guides ,