Mandatory Arrests
Girls, and particularly girls of color, are arrested and detained for intra-family in-home assaults at rates disproportionate to their overall share of the juvenile justice system. Many states have adopted mandatory arrest laws, designed to diffuse domestic violence situations by removing the batterer from the home. These laws have created an unintended consequence: female status offenders, who pose very little risk to the general public, are moving through a system that’s not designed to encourage their development into productive adulthood.
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Mandatory Arrests resources
Implementing Probation Group Reporting
Published by: James E. Henderson Jr., MSW and Stephanie Avalon Traditional probation practice involves a great deal of tracking of…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesAdvocate Lessons: How Law Enforcement Responds to and Investigates Domestic Violence Cases (Part 2: CCR Problem-Solving Series: The Role of Law Enforcement)
Published by: Mary Ingham and Chief Deputy David Hepperly This second webinar in BWJP’s CCR Problem-Solving Series builds upon the…
TAGS: #WebinarHave Laws Against Domestic Violence Increased the Criminalization of Girls?
Published by: Francine Sherman Every day in the U.S., abused and traumatized girls enter and are pushed through the justice…
TAGS: #WebinarPolice Body Cameras in Domestic and Sexual Assault Investigations: Considerations and Unanswered Questions
Published by: Sandra Tibbetts Murphy This paper identifies and addresses the various issues – those known and unresolved – that…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesProbation Interviews with Victims of Battering: Building a Foundation for Current and Future Safety
Published by: James E. Henderson Jr., MSW, Jane Sadusky The approach to probation interviews with victims of battering presented in…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesViolence Against Women in the United States and the State’s Obligation to Protect
Despite legal and policy measures designed to protect victims, domestic violence remains a pervasive rights violation in the United States.…
TAGS: #News and UpdatesPretrial Release Conditions in Domestic Violence Cases: Issues and Context
Published by: Jane Sadusky This paper examines the question of pretrial release, conditions in domestic violence cases, focusing on balance…
TAGS: #Tools and Guides