


The Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: June 2024

There are many options and interventions Guardians ad Litem (GALs) can recommend to minimize risk to children (as well as…

TAGS: #GAL , #Tools and Guides ,

The Guardian ad Litem Bulletin- December 2023

Stay up to date with GAL best practices with our Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: December 2023. What’s coercive control and…

TAGS: #GAL , #Tools and Guides ,

Guardians at Litem – A SAFeR Approach to Enhancing Domestic Violence Practice

The webinar series is supported by grant no. 2020-TA-AX-K012 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of…

TAGS: #GAL , #Tools and Guides , #Webinar ,