Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit
A protection order is one tool a survivor can use to enhance their safety. However, the differences between jurisdictions can lead to challenges and barriers to protection order enforcement for a survivor. It is critical that all disciplines work together to ensure seamless issuance, service, and enforcement of orders within and between jurisdictions.
Most of these resources are provided by our National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit, which provides technical assistance and support to professionals who issue, serve, and enforce protection orders. Contact or learn more about the National Center here.
Search and explore all protection order and full faith and credit related resources in the side menu, or explore a recent addition below:

Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit resources
Custody Flow Chart
Published by: Tamara Kuennen This child custody flow chart assists practitioners in determining which court has initial jurisdiction to determine…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesDefinition of Domestic Violence/Abuse for Civil Protection Orders
This matrix contains state statutes with the definition of domestic violence/abuse for obtaining a domestic violence civil protection order.
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesCampus No Contact Order and Civil Protection Orders: An Examination
Background: Sexual assault and intimate partner violence are prevalent in the student population of higher education campuses. Almost one in four…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesOVW Grantee Firearms Webinar Series: Surrendering Firearms and Saving Lives Part 3/3
Published by: Dave Keck and Alicia Nichols In this third and final webinar in the series, Dave Keck and Alicia…
TAGS: #WebinarOVW Grantee Firearms Webinar Series: Intersection of Domestic Violence and Firearms Part 2/3
Published by: Dave Keck and Alicia Nichols This webinar, Intersection of Domestic Violence and Firearms, highlights the intersection of domestic violence and…
TAGS: #WebinarAn Overview of Cash Bail for Domestic Violence Advocates
Published by: Shameka Parrish-Wright, Operations Manager at The Bail Project, and Co-chair of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political…
TAGS: #WebinarNational Training Institute on Protection Order Practice for Attorneys & Advocates
Presented by The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit In collaboration with: Legal Resource Center on…
TAGS: #WebinarFirearms and Domestic Violence: State and Territorial Statutory Provisions
This matrix contains state and territorial firearm statutes as they relate to civil protection orders; criminal offenses, procedures, prohibited transferees;…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesProtection Order Violation Matrix 2020
This matrix contains protection order violation statutes from state and territorial jurisdictions.
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8)
Case Law Summaries
This matrix is a compilation of case law involving the federal firearm prohibitor 18 USC 922(g)(8) and protection orders. To…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesViolence Against Women Act “No Fee” Toolkit
The Violence Against Women Act prohibits jurisdictions that receive funding under the STOP (Services * Training * Officers* Prosecutors) Violence…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesPredominant Aggressor Arrest Statutes
This matrix is a compilation of all state statutory provisions that direct law enforcement officers to determine the predominant/primary/principal aggressor…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesAssisting Victims of Human Trafficking in Protection Order Proceedings
Published by: Erika Gonzalez, M. Cristina Bae Chung Human trafficking victims often experience several forms of abuse, such as domestic…
TAGS: #WebinarFull Faith and Credit Statutes with Definitions – 18 USC 2265-2266
This statute is the full faith and credit provision of the Violence Against Women Act, 18 USC 2265 and the…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesUsing Web-Based Technologies to Promote Safe Access to Protection Orders During Pandemics and Natural Disasters
Published by: LaJuan Epperson, Barbara Holmes, Jannet Okazaki, Kay Radwanski, Ruth Reichard During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts have been modifying…
TAGS: #WebinarFaith Matters, Part 1: Supporting Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Survivors of Domestic Violence
Published by: Salma Elkadi, Sharon O'Brien, Deborah Rosenbloom This workshop will help advocates adopt a faith-sensitive lens and best practices…
TAGS: #WebinarElder Justice, Protection Orders, and Covid-19
Published by: Angel Kwaterski, Ann Laatsch As our country has confronted the COVID-19 pandemic, it has necessitated profound changes in…
TAGS: #WebinarWorking with Interpreters in a Court Setting
Published by: Cannon Han, Hon. Ramona A. Gonzalez Working with an interpreter is essential to ensuring victim safety for individuals…
TAGS: #WebinarWorkplace Protection Order Statutes 2019
The following matrix provides information on state statutes concerning workplace harassment and violence protection orders. Such statutes currently exist in…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Webinar