Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit
A protection order is one tool a survivor can use to enhance their safety. However, the differences between jurisdictions can lead to challenges and barriers to protection order enforcement for a survivor. It is critical that all disciplines work together to ensure seamless issuance, service, and enforcement of orders within and between jurisdictions.
Most of these resources are provided by our National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit, which provides technical assistance and support to professionals who issue, serve, and enforce protection orders. Contact or learn more about the National Center here.
Search and explore all protection order and full faith and credit related resources in the side menu, or explore a recent addition below:

Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit resources: Filtered by Promising Practices
Important Differences between Civilian and Military Protection Orders
The differences between military and civil protection orders, including their issuance and enforcement, can be confusing. This bulletin provides information…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Promising Practices, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesExtreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Toolkit
This Extreme Risk Protection Order Toolkit is for practitioners who work with survivors in civil protection order systems. The toolkit…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Policy Analysis, #Promising Practices, #Research and Statistics, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesWorkplace Protection Order Statutes 2019
The following matrix provides information on state statutes concerning workplace harassment and violence protection orders. Such statutes currently exist in…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Webinar