
Assessing and Responding to Men who Pose High Risk to their Intimate Partners

Published by: David Adams

Founded in 1977, Emerge has pioneered effective and culturally relevant abuser education strategies as well as those for abusers in same-sex relationships. David Adams, Co-Director of Emerge, will describe innovative practices in assessing and responding to risk in batterer intervention programs. This webinar will describe a new protocol, developed and piloted in Massachusetts, for assessing risk of men who attend batterer intervention programs. David Adams will also discuss risk management strategies for different types of high risk clients, drawing from his clinical practice as well as his research about men who killed their intimate partners. David has led groups for abusers for over 40 years and currently coordinates two federally funded training projects; the National Risk Assessment and Management Training Project, and Recognizing Responsibility and Risk of Abusers in Court. His book, Why Do They Kill? Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners was published by Vanderbilt University Press in 2007.

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