
Violence Against Women: A Curriculum for Empowerment Facilitator’s Manual

 Designing IPV Risk Assessments with Deaf Communities: Initial Considerations 

Written by Anton Tripolskii, J, edited by Kristine Lizdas, JD and Sujata Warrier, Phd 

March, 2022 

It is well known that CCRs have had numerous challenges in accommodating the needs of diverse survivors from various marginalized communities. As part of this project, BWJP focused on two communities: LGBTQ+ and Deaf communities. By using the principles of survivor-centered design, and listening to survivors from these communities, we hoped that we would offer CCRs and other jurisdictions ways to create programs and designs that were culturally and linguistically responsive. 

Download DeafSurvivorsReport_FINAL.pdf
TAGS: #Tools and Guides