Differentiated Domestic Violence Offender Treatment in Colorado: What it is and How it’s Working
Published by: Cheryl Davis
In 2010, Colorado began implementing revised standards and now employs a differentiated treatment model for domestic violence offenders. This model is based on the Risk, Needs and Responsivity Principles (RNR) which research has demonstrated are effective in reducing general offender recidivism.
The RNR Principles emphasize matching offender level of risk to level of service, assessing dynamic risk factors associated with criminal behavior and target those needs in treatment and addressing the offender’s learning by tailoring the intervention to the learning style, motivation, abilities and strengths of the offender. In this webinar Cheryl Davis, LPS, DV Unit Manager of Colorado’s Domestic Violence Offender Management Board, presents their new model, which is currently featured as a Promising Practice on this website.