
Violence Against Women: A Curriculum for Empowerment Facilitator’s Manual

The webinar series is supported by grant no. 2020-TA-AX-K012 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

Session 1: Introduction to Domestic Violence | Recording

This event is part one of five of our GAL National Webinar Series. BWJP will introduce the basics of domestic violence and intimate partner violence with a focus on how DV and IPV effect families.

Session 2: The Language and Logic of Coercive Control | Recording

This event is part two of five of our GAL National Webinar Series. BWJP will discuss the definitions of coercive control, and how perpetrators of harm who use coercive control think about and benefit from their abusive behavior. We will explore how coercive control looks different in different families and different communities, and how GALs can delve deeper into this piece of domestic violence.

Session 3: Coercive Control and Shared Parenting | Recording

This event is part three of five of our GAL National Webinar Series. BWJP will build upon the first two sessions and take a closer look at how coercive control affects shared parenting, and one’s ability to effectively co-parent.

Session 4: A SAFeR Approach to GAL Investigations and Recommendations | Recording

This event is part four of five of our GAL National Webinar Series. Session four will introduce participants to the four-part SAFeR approach to child focused decision-making in family law cases. We will discuss how to use the SAFeR resources to gather and synthesize information, as well as how to arrive at recommendations that are tailored to the lived experiences of families.

Session 5: Enhancing Domestic Violence Practice with SAFeR | Recording

This event is part five of five of our GAL National Webinar Series. In the last session, BWJP will focus on how you can use SAFeR to enhance all aspects of one’s professional practice.

TAGS: #Tools and Guides