
Understanding and Responding to Adolescent Intra-Family Domestic Battery

Published by: Robin Hassler Thompson, Wendy Nussbaum

This webinar explains the difference between Adolescent Domestic Battery and Intimate Partner Violence and the need for an alternative system and treatment response to this issue.

Adolescent Domestic Battery (ADB) is defined as a youth committing an act of violence against a parent, sibling or other family member living in the home. These intra-family assaults result in many youth being arrested for Domestic violence under the definition of DV in many states.

According to data from the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS):

Half (51%) of ADBs victimized a parent and one-quarter (24%) victimized a sibling.

When against a parent, the parent was most likely the mother for both juvenile male (68%) and juvenile female offenders (81%). 48% of ADBs were arrested, compared with 31% of juvenile offenders who assaulted acquaintances and 32% who assaulted strangers.

The presenters provide alternative “system responses” and “treatment responses” from projects implemented in Illinois and Florida.

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