
We See You: Supervising Stalking Offenders

Published by: James E. Henderson Jr., MSW

Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Often, violations of no contact orders, calls from jail, and other forms of harassment constitute violations of stalking laws, yet these violations are often not prosecuted to the full extent. Because stalking laws often have stiffer statutory penalties, practitioners should know how to document evidence of stalking and request that prosecutors issue new charges. Supervising agents and other system players should educate stalking victims to recognize and document stalking in a way that allows the system to be the primary presenter of evidence during a trial. Community partners who understand the nature and dynamics of stalking can enhance public safety and help save lives. This session will provide an overview of stalking and suggestions on how to supervise probationers and parolees who engage in stalking behavior.

Materials are available for download: PowerPoint Presentation and Closed Captioning Transcript

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