
Firearms and Ammunition Prohibitions in the Military  

Several studies estimate the rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration in the military from 13.3 percent to 47 percent…

TAGS: #Firearms #Military

Reporting Domestic Offenses to Background Check Systems: Does it Really Matter?

Background check systems, such as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), were created to work like a net;…

Preventing Gun Violence Against Native Women

Six in ten Native women will be physically assaulted at some point in their lives and, on some reservations, the…

TAGS: #Firearms

The Texas Church Massacre and Preventing Domestic Violence-Related Gun Violence

On Sunday, November 5, a man shot and killed 26 people and injured at least 20 others at a church service…

BWJP Welcomes Equal Justice Works Fellow

As an Equal Justice Works Fellow, Katie will work with BWJP to improve outcomes for battered women and their children…

Monitoring to Achieve Accountability: Revisiting the St. Paul Blueprint for Safety Seven Years Later

It takes a strong concerted effort to create the will to examine your own system, evaluate current problems, and establish…