
Addressing Language Access in Police Departments: Salem, MA, Police Department Models Compliance

Salem, Massachusetts, with a population of approximately 43,132, has a police force of 90 officers and uses a community policing model. Like many jurisdictions across the country, the population of Salem includes many residents with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Officer Mike LaRiviere Officer Michael LaRiviere joined the Salem Police Department in 1989 and is currently […]

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Firearms and Ammunition Prohibitions in the Military  

Several studies estimate the rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration in the military from 13.3 percent to 47 percent among male active duty servicemembers, and 13.5 percent to 42 percent among male veterans. While the intersection of IPV and the military is not a new issue, there has been a significant increase in public […]

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Reporting Domestic Offenses to Background Check Systems: Does it Really Matter?

Background check systems, such as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), were created to work like a net; they are designed to catch and deter anyone not allowed to possess a gun before a purchase is completed. A net with a gaping hole in it, however, is not effective. Too much slips through, […]

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