
National Child Custody Project Releases Practice Aids

BWJP is pleased to announce the release of a new set of child custody-related practice worksheets for advocates, attorneys, and other family court professionals. The new worksheets augment the Practice Guides for Domestic Violence-Informed Decision-Making that BWJP developed in connection with the OVW-sponsored National Child Custody Project. The worksheets offer a way to consolidate, synthesize, and account for information about the nature, context and implications of abuse in child custody cases. They guide practitioners to develop more DV-informed and DV-responsive parenting arrangements in disputed child custody matters.

The new practice worksheets are available, free of cost, on BWJP's website along with an instructional video on their intended use. BWJP strongly encourages practitioners to watch the video before using the worksheets. BWJP will periodically offer in-person and on-line workshops on the proper use of the new practice worksheets. If are unable to attend, you may access any webinar recording afterwards in our Resource Center.

We strongly encourage you to watch the instructional video, attend a workshop or access a recorded webinar before utilizing any of the practice guides or worksheets, as misuse of the material may result in unintended negative consequences.

Note: An interactive, online version of all of the practice guides and worksheets is currently under development. We expect to go live towards the end of the year. Be sure to check back with us in the coming months for more information.


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