
When the Victim is Arrested: Seeking a Just Response

Published by: Quetita Cavero, Mary Ingham, Cindene Pezzell, Sandra Tibbetts Murphy In this webinar the presenters discuss victims of ongoing coercive…

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Prosecution 101: Vital Lessons for Advocates

Published by: Mary Ingham, Sandra Tibbetts Murphy The prosecutor plays a central role in a well-functioning coordinated community response to…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Bringing the Prosecution into Your CCR Team

Published by: Mary Ingham, Sandra Tibbetts Murphy As one of the central players in the criminal justice system response to…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Sexual Assault by Law Enforcement

Published by: Andrea Ritchie Through research conducted as a Soros Justice Fellow, Andrea Ritchie determined that 52 percent of 35…

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Responding to Youth Violence Through Community Advocacy

Published by: Shabnam Javdani This webinar presents the four phase community advocacy model, how it has been used in local…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Arresting Victims: The Unintended Consequences of Pro Arrest Policies for Women and Girls

Published by: Shabnam Javdani Many people believe that increasing arrests of women and girls reflect a reality that women and…

CLASS: #Webinar ,