


The Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women – Helping DV Survivors with Interstate Cases

Should They Stay or Should They Go? The Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women speaks presents a webinar on…

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Implementing an Effective Firearms Relinquishment Protocol

Federal and state laws prohibit domestic abusers from owning and possessing firearms but many jurisdictions struggle to effectively develop, implement,…

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The Educational Fund to Prevent Gun Violence & BWJP Conversation on Gun Violence and DV

BWJP and EFSGV co-host a  thoughtful conversation on the intersection of guns and domestic violence through a public health lens. The…

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Conversation on the Intersection of Gun Violence and Domestic Violence

BWJP & The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence joins together to discuss the intersection of guns and domestic violence…

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Developing CCR Policies and Practices to Reduce Victim Intimidation

Sharing the experiences of St Louis County, MN, the presenters will prepare participants to identify, investigate, and locate where the…

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History of Advocacy

Published by: Sujata Warrier, Chief Strategy Officer, BWJP Advocacy by survivors has been at the forefront of systems change over…

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An Overview of Cash Bail for Domestic Violence Advocates

Published by: Shameka Parrish-Wright, Operations Manager at The Bail Project, and Co-chair of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political…

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A Sample of Predominately African American Domestic Violence Victims Response to Objective Risk Assessments

Dr. Krystal Dinwiddie, senior behavioral medicine practitioner, and researcher in the area of forensic psychology Most stakeholders agree domestic abuse…

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National Training Institute on Protection Order Practice for Attorneys & Advocates

Presented by The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit In collaboration with: Legal Resource Center on…

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Should They Stay or Should They Go: Helping Domestic Violence Survivors with Interstate Cases

Published by: Taylor Duran, Deborah Goelman, Maria Veniard Have domestic violence survivors ever asked you if they can leave the…

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Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking in Protection Order Proceedings

Published by: Erika Gonzalez, M. Cristina Bae Chung Human trafficking victims often experience several forms of abuse, such as domestic…

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Should They Stay or Should They Go: Helping Domestic Violence Survivors with Interstate Cases

Published by: Taylor Duran, Deborah Goelman, Maria Veniard This webinar provides participants with an overview of the various federal and…

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Client-Centered and Trauma-Informed Practice: Implementing Successfully in the Criminal Justice System

Published by: Maureen Curtis, Wanda Lucibello The public health crisis has required advocates to adapt to many changes. This webinar…

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The Dakota County Electronic Crimes Task Force

Published by: Tim Leslie & Daniel Bianconi Domestic violence abusers are increasingly using technology to stalk and harass their victims. …

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Faith Matters, Part 2: A Conversation on Supporting Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Families Experiencing DV

Published by: Deborah Rosenbloom, Sharon O'Brien, Salma Elkadi Abugidieri This workshop helps advocates adopt a faith-sensitive lens and best practices…

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Assisting Survivors With Their Pets During the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond

Published by: Zoë Agnew-Svoboda, Nancy Blaney, Melinda D. Merck, Mary Lou Randour The lives and safety of survivors and their…

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Returning to Honor: Using Culturally-Based Teaching in Batterer’s Intervention Training

Published by: Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell The “Returning to Honor” project is based on the Native American concept of reciprocity. As Native…

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Utilization of Video Conference Software for Men’s BIPs: Experience, Research to date and Covid-19 Considerations

Published by: Melissa Scaia, Jon Heath In January of 2019, Melissa Scaia and Jon Heath coordinated with researchers to find…

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Understanding and Addressing Womens’ Use of Force in Intimate Relationships: A Retrospective

Published by: Lisa Young Larance, Leigh Goodmark This presentation provides an overview of the complexity of women’s use of force…

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Using Web-Based Technologies to Promote Safe Access to Protection Orders During Pandemics and Natural Disasters

Published by: LaJuan Epperson, Barbara Holmes, Jannet Okazaki, Kay Radwanski, Ruth Reichard During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts have been modifying…

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