Criminalized Survivors
Survivors of gender-based violence fill our jails and prisons. Criminalized survivors are victims whose experiences of being abused are related in some way to their involvement in the criminal legal system. Often, they are arrested and incarcerated for doing what they needed to do to survive and protect their children and loved ones. Criminalized survivors are re-victimized by the very systems that were intended to protect them.
Defense attorneys, advocates, and others interested in assisting criminalized survivors can find resources in the side menu. Learn more by exploring recent additions to our library below:
Criminalized Survivors resources: Filtered by Laws and Regulations
Myths and Misconceptions: Criminalized Survivors
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors October 2023 Myths and misconceptions about domestic violence and victims of intimate…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesEvidence of Battering and the Defense of Duress
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors March 2023 Lay and expert evidence on battering and its effectsi is…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and Guides