Preventing gender-based homicide won’t be possible without acknowledging and addressing the enormous role that firearms play in domestic violence. Research shows that firearms are involved in the majority of homicides committed by an intimate partner (Violence Policy Center, 2021). National, state, and tribal laws do restrict domestic violence offenders’ access to firearms, so it’s vital that these laws are upheld and enforced.
Most of these resources are provided by our National Center on Gun Violence in Relationships, which provides technical assistance and training on how to best implement and enforce firearms prohibitions at every level. You can contact or learn more about the National Center here.
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Firearms resources: Filtered by Community Safety Report
How are DV Offenders Held Accountable in Knoxville and Knox County Justice System Interventions?
Published by: Rhonda Martinson Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee have a long and rich history of coordinating and organizing their…
TAGS: #Community Safety Report, #Promising Practices