Gender-Based Violence
This section of our website holds every single resource BWJP currently offers. Explore via the side menu or dive into a recent addition below:

Gender-Based Violence resources: Filtered by children
NRCDVF Brand and Website Redesign – RFP
Request for Proposal: Website Redesign & Development This RFP is for design and development services for a new brand and…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarBWJP 2022 Impact Report
Dearest Friends of BWJP, We’ve been busy! In the last eighteen months, we have experienced a significant transformation and many…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarHow Organizations Can Support Staff Who Are Survivors of GBV
Supporting survivors of intimate partner violence in the workplace is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being. Providing them with…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarNLCCDV and How Survivor Mothers Have to Navigate Family Court
by the National Legal Center on Children and Domestic Violence Survivors of intimate partner violence who are also mothers face…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #safer, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #Webinar