Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources
Research at the Intersection of IPV and Firearms
Prevalence rates of both intimate partner violence and gun violence remain pervasive. Research demonstrates a lethal association when intimate partner…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesFirearm Checklist for Attorneys
This checklist provides information for attorneys facilitating a discussion with survivors about firearms. It also provides key information on the…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and Guides2023 Updated Matrices
Sealing or Expunging a Civil Protection Order This matrix compiles the statutory provisions from states and other U.S. jurisdictions for…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesS.A.F.E. Tool
The SAFE tool will assist survivors with evaluating if, when, how, and for what period they may want to request…
TAGS: #survivors, #Tools and GuidesA Brief History and Framework of Federal Firearms Laws Addressing Intimate Partner Violence
Federal law provides a framework to keep guns out of the hands of those who perpetrate domestic violence. Those laws…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesThe New Misdemeanor Dating Violence Federal Firearms Prohibition
In 2022, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act partially closed what has sometimes been referred to as the “boyfriend loophole,” by…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and Guides“OFFICIAL USE” Exemption, Allowing Firearms Possession by Law Enforcement and Military Personnel
The Gun Control Act (GCA) prohibits persons subject to certain qualifying protection orders from possessing or receiving firearms and/or ammunition.…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesFirearm Checklist for Judges – 18 USC 922 (g)(8)
This checklist for judges provides key information on the federal Gun Control Act provisions prohibiting the purchase, transport or possession…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesInterstate Child Custody Tool Series
The Interstate Child Custody Tool Series provides an overview of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesExtreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Toolkit
This Extreme Risk Protection Order Toolkit is for practitioners who work with survivors in civil protection order systems. The toolkit…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Policy Analysis, #Promising Practices, #Research and Statistics, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesUnderstanding the Difference Between A Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO) and an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO)
By The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) and Extreme Risk Protection Orders…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesServing Military-Connected Victims/Survivors of Domestic Abuse
Serving Military-Connected Victims/Survivors of Domestic Abuse. This written resource, which is available in English and in Spanish, includes a military-connected domestic abuse checklist; a series of…
TAGS: #Military, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesWheel of Intimate Partner Power and Control in the African American/Black Community
A significant gathering of individuals, stories and information led to the development of the Wheel of Intimate Partner Power and…
TAGS: #survivors, #Tools and GuidesDomestic Violence Arrest Policies
This written resource is an annotated comprehensive collection of U.S. jurisdictions’ domestic violence-related arrest statutes with jurisdiction-specific generalized domestic violence…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Statute Guides and MatricesThe Guardian ad Litem Bulletin- December 2023
Stay up to date with GAL best practices with our Guardian ad Litem Bulletin: December 2023. What’s coercive control and…
TAGS: #GAL, #Tools and GuidesNRCDVF Brand and Website Redesign – RFP
Request for Proposal: Website Redesign & Development This RFP is for design and development services for a new brand and…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarCapitol Hill Briefing on the “Boyfriend Loophole”
LIVE recording - October 23, 2023 The "boyfriend loophole" is a critical gap in existing federal domestic violence law. It…
TAGS: #News and UpdatesMyths and Misconceptions: Criminalized Survivors
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors October 2023 Myths and misconceptions about domestic violence and victims of intimate…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesBWJP 2022 Impact Report
Dearest Friends of BWJP, We’ve been busy! In the last eighteen months, we have experienced a significant transformation and many…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarHow Organizations Can Support Staff Who Are Survivors of GBV
Supporting survivors of intimate partner violence in the workplace is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being. Providing them with…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #Podcast, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #Webinar