Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources: Filtered by Promising Practices
Important Differences between Civilian and Military Protection Orders
The differences between military and civil protection orders, including their issuance and enforcement, can be confusing. This bulletin provides information…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Promising Practices, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesReimagine Coordinated Community Response with BWJP
Published by: Amalfi Parker Elder, Esq. (Director of National Center on RCCR) For over 30 years, BWJP has and continues…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #survivorsExtreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Toolkit
This Extreme Risk Protection Order Toolkit is for practitioners who work with survivors in civil protection order systems. The toolkit…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Policy Analysis, #Promising Practices, #Research and Statistics, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesOffender Criteria / Response / Victim Series
The High Point Police Department has been applying the evidence-based focused deterrence approach to the problem of intimate partner violence…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #Tools and GuidesWhite House Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality
BWJP embraces the White House National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, as well as the anticipated U.S. National Action…
TAGS: #News and Updates, #Policy Analysis, #Promising PracticesWorkplace Protection Order Statutes 2019
The following matrix provides information on state statutes concerning workplace harassment and violence protection orders. Such statutes currently exist in…
TAGS: #Promising Practices, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #WebinarImplementing Probation Group Reporting
Published by: James E. Henderson Jr., MSW and Stephanie Avalon Traditional probation practice involves a great deal of tracking of…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesCreative Methods for Local Enforcement of Federal Firearms Restrictions
Published by: David Keck, JD Even if your state does not prohibit firearms possession by domestic violence offenders, your community…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesCreating Relationships Between Domestic Violence Service Providers and Animal Control/Humane Law Enforcement
Published by: Maya Gupta, Ph.D. Animal control agencies are tasked with enforcing local animal ordinances and, in many areas, state…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesProbation Interviews with Victims of Battering: Building a Foundation for Current and Future Safety
Published by: James E. Henderson Jr., MSW, Jane Sadusky The approach to probation interviews with victims of battering presented in…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesTriage Review Assessment
Begun in January 2006, Denver’s Triage Project involves a collaborative, multidisciplinary team that seeks to identify and assess risk factors…
TAGS: #Promising PracticesHow are DV Offenders Held Accountable in Knoxville and Knox County Justice System Interventions?
Published by: Rhonda Martinson Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee have a long and rich history of coordinating and organizing their…
TAGS: #Community Safety Report, #Promising PracticesLethality Assessment Program for First Responders
Published by: Dave Sargent, Edited by Stephanie Avalon The Lethality Assessment Program or LAP, is based on the research of…
TAGS: #Promising Practices