Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources: Filtered by Research and Statistics
Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Toolkit
This Extreme Risk Protection Order Toolkit is for practitioners who work with survivors in civil protection order systems. The toolkit…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Policy Analysis, #Promising Practices, #Research and Statistics, #Statute Guides and Matrices, #survivors, #Tools and GuidesThe Results of a 10-Year Study of the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence Primary Aggressor Laws on Single and Dual Arrest
Published by: David Hirschel, PhD and Philip D. McCormack, PhD Arrest as a preferred response to incidents of intimate partner…
TAGS: #Research and Statistics, #WebinarResearch Paper: Are Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment Tools Racially Biased?
Published by: Kathleen J. Ferraro, PhD and Neil S. Websdale, PhD This paper considers the question of whether Intimate Partner Violence…
TAGS: #Research and StatisticsCurrent Research on Batterer Intervention Programs and Implications for Policy
Published by: Kathleen J. Ferraro, PhD Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) emerged in the United States in the late 1970s as…
TAGS: #Research and Statistics, #WebinarCustody Evaluator’s Beliefs About Domestic Violence
Published by: Gabrielle Davis Three important new studies explore the relationship between custody evaluators' beliefs about domestic abuse and the…
TAGS: #Research and StatisticsExtent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence
Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey
TAGS: #Research and Statistics