Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources
NLCCDV and How Survivor Mothers Have to Navigate Family Court
by the National Legal Center on Children and Domestic Violence Survivors of intimate partner violence who are also mothers face…
TAGS: #children, #custody, #safer, #survivors, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarEvidence of Battering and the Defense of Duress
by the National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors March 2023 Lay and expert evidence on battering and its effectsi is…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesSafety Envelope: NCPOFFC
The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC), a project of the Battered Women’s Justice Project…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesNCPOFFC Full Faith and Credit Matrix
Updated July 2022 This document is for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this document is intended as legal advice…
TAGS: #Statute Guides and Matrices, #Tools and GuidesFirearms and Domestic Violence: A Summary of Pivotal Cases Decided by the United States Supreme Court
by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms January 2023 This resource contains summaries of significant Supreme Court…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesSurvivors with Concurrent Criminal Charges & Civil Protection Cases: Considerations for Community Based Advocates & Civil Advocates
by Cindene Pezzell, Esq. and Quetita Cavero, Esq. Updated 2022 Overview There are many situations in which victims of battering…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesDV and Gun Violence: A Co-Existing Public Health Crisis
Webinar Recording - October 2022 Firearm violence and domestic violence are public health crises in the United States. In 2020,…
TAGS: #WebinarDrawbacks of Codifying Coercive Control in Child Custody Cases
Webinar Recording - November 2022 Lisa A. Tucker presenting This webinar, presented by Professor Lisa A. Tucker, will consider the…
TAGS: #WebinarStates Allowing Juveniles Access to Protection Orders
Revised Matrices 2022
TAGS: #Statute Guides and MatricesDeaf Survivors Report
Designing IPV Risk Assessments with Deaf Communities: Initial Considerations Written by Anton Tripolskii, J, edited by Kristine Lizdas, JD and…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesFundamental Principles of Institutional Analysis
Institutional Analysis at BWJP redesigns systems to center the interests of gender-based violence survivors.
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesAnnual Report FY 2020
October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020 2020 challenged all of us—personally and professionally—to be nimble. At BWJP this experience…
TAGS: #News and UpdatesReport of the Henry County, Ohio Child Custody and Domestic Violence Safety and Accountability Audit
The Henry County, Ohio Child Custody and Domestic Violence Safety and Accountability Audit (“Ohio Audit”) examines how the local family…
TAGS: #Community Safety Report, #Tools and GuidesKnoxville Community Safety Assessment
How are DV Offenders Held Accountable in Knoxville and Knox County Justice System Interventions?
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #Tools and GuidesVAWA Title XV – Follow the Money
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was reauthorized on March 15, 2022. Within VAWA is Title XV, titled“Keeping Children Safe…
TAGS: #Policy Analysis, #Tools and Guides10 Cosas Que Debe Saber Sobre el Tribunal Familiar
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides10 Maneras de Encontrar Ayuda para su caso
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides10 Pasos para Presentar Evidencia en la corte
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesComo Reunir Evidencia Tecnologica de Maltrato para la corte
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesGetting Child Support When You Are Afraid of the Other Parent
Self Represented Litigants Series
TAGS: #Tools and Guides