
Current Research on Batterer Intervention Programs and Implications for Policy

Published by: Kathleen J. Ferraro, PhD Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) emerged in the United States in the late 1970s as…

CLASS: #Research and Statistics , #Webinar ,

Getting Your Agency Involved in Responding to Gender-Based Discrimination on Campus

Published by: Dr. Valyncia C. Raphael, JD and Anton Tripolskii, JD This interactive webinar builds on the topics discussed in…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Case File Review: What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look Like in Our Communities?

Published by: Jolene Engelking and Leah Lutz Based on a toolkit that the Sexual Violence Justice Institute (SVJI) developed, this…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Mapping Gender: Shedding Empirical Light on Family Courts’ Treatment of Cases Involving Abuse and Alienation

Published by: Joan S. Meier What is really happening in the nation's family courts? This webinar discusses a national empirical…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

The Science and Practice of Community-Informed Risk Assessment

Published by: Neil S. Websdale, PhD and Greg Giangobbe, MA This webinar explains the development of a community-informed risk assessment…

CLASS: #Webinar ,

Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Violence Response

Published by: Johnanna Ganz This webinar is designed to introduce multi-disciplinary participants to the work of the Sexual Violence Justice Institute and…

CLASS: #Webinar ,