
NCPOFFC: Tools and Resources for Attorneys and Advocates  

By the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit The process of obtaining a protection order and…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #Firearms #full faith and credit #News #Protection Orders

Women’s History Month – Kesimy Medina  

This month, in honor of Women's History Month, we are honoring Rising Stars and Mothers of the Movement. Today, we are…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #News #Women

BWJP Welcomes Jennifer Waindle as the Project Director of the National Center on Improving Community Supervision Responses    

BWJP Welcomes Jennifer Waindle as the Project Director of the National Center on Improving Community Supervision Responses  Jennifer Waindle joins BWJP with…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #News

BWJP Reacts to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s Disappointing Ruling Undermining Federal Firearms Prohibitions for Persons Who Have Committed Acts of Domestic Violence     

ST. PAUL, MN – A federal court has ruled disarming people who have domestic violence protection orders against them does…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #Firearms #News

Have We Been Desensitized to Stalking?     

By Bailey Skeeter and Patrice Tillery    Some people would rather be in jail than alone. Relationships can be emotional, meaningful,…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #Children and Teens #Coercive Control #News #stalking

Human Trafficking isn’t just a Global Issue. It’s a Local Issue too.     

By Maria Jose Fletcher, Esq.  There are cruel people who take advantage of our most vulnerable for profit, pleasure, or…

TAGS: #BWJP Announcements #Children and Teens #News