Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources: Filtered by Webinar
Drivers of Intimate Partner Violence in Three Refugee Camps
Published by: Karin Wachter, MEd Research in humanitarian settings has traditionally focused on the sexual violence women experience by armed…
TAGS: #WebinarTalking Trash: Retaliation Against Victims of Sexually-Based Offenses Within the Military
Published by: Sarah Sykes, JD Retaliatory behavior toward military victims who report sexual assault and associated crimes is commonplace. Studies…
TAGS: #WebinarDomestic Violence is Complex: Cycles, Wheels, or Systems
Published by: Sandra Burge, PhD This webinar will focus on the challenges posed to clinicians in working with victims of…
TAGS: #WebinarThe Patchwork of State Laws on Firearm Prohibitions for Domestic Violence Protective Orders
Published by: April Zeoli, PhD, MPH Comparison of current state laws regarding firearms prohibitions following imposition of domestic violence protective…
TAGS: #Laws and Regulations, #WebinarSafer Families, Safer Communities
Published by: David Keck, JD Safer Families, Safer Communities, a project of the National Domestic Violence and Firearms Resource Center,…
TAGS: #WebinarPart II: Stalking Evidence: What to Look For and How to Get it Admitted
Published by: Elaina Roberts In Part II of this webinar series we will delve into the investigation and prosecution of…
TAGS: #WebinarPart I: Recognizing Stalking in Intimate Partner Violence Cases
Published by: Elaina Roberts Research has shown that 7.5 million adults are stalked in one year in the United States,…
TAGS: #WebinarDebunking Domestic Violence Myths
Published by: Mary Ann Dutton, PhD Intimate partner violence (IPV) and its concomitant elements of physical violence, sexual abuse, psychological…
TAGS: #WebinarNew Research on Women Veterans and Intimate Partner Violence
Published by: Melissa E. Dichter, PhD, MSW Intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with a wide-range of health and social…
TAGS: #WebinarRecent Trends in Firearm Legislation and Case Law Update
Published by: Alla Lefkowitz The landscape around firearm laws is constantly shifting. If you want to know about recent legal changes,…
TAGS: #WebinarImplementing a Firearm Surrender Protocol
Published by: Jennifer Waindle and Jenni Stolarski Research and experience confirm that access to a firearm dramatically increases the risk…
TAGS: #WebinarBatterer Intervention Programs and Victim Safety: Where Do We Go From Here?
Published by: Sharon “Sherry” Aaron, LCSW Victim safety hinges on effective Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs), yet studies have shown that…
TAGS: #WebinarAdvocate Lessons: How Law Enforcement Responds to and Investigates Domestic Violence Cases (Part 2: CCR Problem-Solving Series: The Role of Law Enforcement)
Published by: Mary Ingham and Chief Deputy David Hepperly This second webinar in BWJP’s CCR Problem-Solving Series builds upon the…
TAGS: #WebinarWhere Do We Go From Here? Unfinished Business
Published by: Andrew Klein and Jessica Klein Andrew and Jessica Klein’s book, "Abetting Batterers: What Police, Prosecutors, and Courts Aren’t…
TAGS: #WebinarUsing the National Crime Information Center to spread the word about Protection Orders
Published by: Harry E. Carlile Jr. The NCIC Protection Order File (POF) contains information on court orders which are issued…
TAGS: #WebinarWhat Advocates Need to Know About Law Enforcement’s Role (Part 1: CCR Problem-Solving Series: The Role of Law Enforcement)
Published by: Mary Ingham and Chief Deputy David Hepperly Law enforcement plays a critical role in the current legal system…
TAGS: #WebinarTort Suits & Financial Compensation for Domestic Violence Survivors: A Webinar for Advocates
Published by: Sonya Passi and Amira Samuel Survivors of domestic violence are eligible to pursue tort claims against their abusers,…
TAGS: #WebinarTort Suits & Financial Compensation for Domestic Violence Survivors: A Webinar for Attorneys
Published by: Amira Samuel Often when the police are called for domestic violence, men who batter are arrested, convicted, and…
TAGS: #WebinarAbetting Batterers: What Police, Prosecutors and Courts Aren’t Doing to Protect America’s Women: A Discussion with the Authors
Published by: Andrew Klein and Jessica Klein This webinar will discuss how court systems across the country, instead of protecting…
TAGS: #WebinarWorking with Men Who Batter as Fathers
Published by: Melissa Scata Most traditional parenting curricula seek to get the parent to “do something different.” Many traditional parenting…
TAGS: #Webinar