Gender-Based Violence
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Gender-Based Violence resources
How the Supreme Court’s Decision in NY State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen Will Affect Victims of Domestic Violence
BWJP's statement on the recent ruling about the ability to carry a concealed firearm. Published by: Dave Keck and Alicia…
TAGS: #News and UpdatesOVW Grantee Firearms Webinar Series: Surrendering Firearms and Saving Lives Part 3/3
Published by: Dave Keck and Alicia Nichols In this third and final webinar in the series, Dave Keck and Alicia…
TAGS: #WebinarOVW Grantee Firearms Webinar Series: Part 1/3
This webinar is an introduction to the firearms center and provides an overview of domestic violence and firearms and state…
TAGS: #WebinarThe Results of a 10-Year Study of the Impact of Intimate Partner Violence Primary Aggressor Laws on Single and Dual Arrest
Published by: David Hirschel, PhD and Philip D. McCormack, PhD Arrest as a preferred response to incidents of intimate partner…
TAGS: #Research and Statistics, #WebinarDefense Based Advocacy and the Domestic Violence Movement Part 3/3
In the third and final webinar of this series, participants will learn about the scope of the crisis of the…
TAGS: #WebinarDefense Based Advocacy and the Domestic Violence Movement Part 2/3
This webinar is part two of a three-part professional development series for community-based advocates, attorneys who work with victims of battering,…
TAGS: #WebinarCoordinated Community Response Report
Published by: Sujata Warrier (Chief Strategy Officer), and Kristine Lizdas (Legal Policy Director) At its core, a Coordinated Community Response…
TAGS: #Tools and GuidesWhite House Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality
BWJP embraces the White House National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality, as well as the anticipated U.S. National Action…
TAGS: #News and Updates, #Policy Analysis, #Promising PracticesDefense-Based Advocacy and the Domestic Violence Movement Part 1/3
This webinar is part one of a three-part professional development series for community-based advocates, attorneys who work with victims of battering,…
TAGS: #WebinarFirearm Restriction Laws and Intimate Partner Homicide: Protective Effects by Race
In this webinar participants will hear from researchers Charvonne N. Holliday, PhD and April Zeoli, PhD about their recent study…
TAGS: #WebinarGuardians at Litem – A SAFeR Approach to Enhancing Domestic Violence Practice
The webinar series is supported by grant no. 2020-TA-AX-K012 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of…
TAGS: #GAL, #Tools and Guides, #WebinarEverytown & BWJP on Gun Violence and Domestic Violence
Expert and Survivor-led Town Hall discussion hosted by Everytown and BWJP. Melody McFadden is an Everytown Survivor Network Senior Fellow and a…
TAGS: #WebinarGiffords Law & BWJP Discuss the Impact of Violence in our Communities
Giffords Law Center joins BWJP in an expert-led panel discussion on the impact of violence in all of our communities. In…
TAGS: #WebinarThe Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women – Helping DV Survivors with Interstate Cases
Should They Stay or Should They Go? The Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women speaks presents a webinar on…
TAGS: #WebinarImplementing an Effective Firearms Relinquishment Protocol
Federal and state laws prohibit domestic abusers from owning and possessing firearms but many jurisdictions struggle to effectively develop, implement,…
TAGS: #WebinarThe Educational Fund to Prevent Gun Violence & BWJP Conversation on Gun Violence and DV
BWJP and EFSGV co-host a thoughtful conversation on the intersection of guns and domestic violence through a public health lens. The…
TAGS: #WebinarConversation on the Intersection of Gun Violence and Domestic Violence
BWJP & The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence joins together to discuss the intersection of guns and domestic violence…
TAGS: #WebinarDeveloping CCR Policies and Practices to Reduce Victim Intimidation
Sharing the experiences of St Louis County, MN, the presenters will prepare participants to identify, investigate, and locate where the…
TAGS: #WebinarHistory of Advocacy
Published by: Sujata Warrier, Chief Strategy Officer, BWJP Advocacy by survivors has been at the forefront of systems change over…
TAGS: #WebinarAn Overview of Cash Bail for Domestic Violence Advocates
Published by: Shameka Parrish-Wright, Operations Manager at The Bail Project, and Co-chair of the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political…
TAGS: #Webinar